
Geir MeisingsetWatercolour artist Geir Meisingset was born in the village of Meisingset, on the West Coast of Norway, on June 11th, 1952.
An educated nurse, he has been working in the field of health care since 1970.

He has been guest student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, Hungary under the master Gerzson Pal and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cuczo, Peru, under the master Ronald A. Mamani Paredes and has been participated in workshops in Scandinavian with artists like Morten Paulsen, Kjersti Eliassen, Ria Roes Schwartz, Alek Krylow and Steen Malberg.

Bortistua in Meisingset

The photograph to the right shows the farm where he grew up. His family has lived on this farm since 1785. This house was constructed in 1895. The photograph was taken in 1912.